
Life Insurance

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Last updated date: 8/28/2024

Protect your family’s financial security from life’s unexpected events.


To help protect the financial well-being of your loved ones, MarketAxess provides basic life and accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance at no cost to you. You also have the opportunity to purchase supplemental coverage. Our life and AD&D benefits are administered by Guardian. 

2024 life and AD&D insurance plans

Basic life and AD&D insurance

MarketAxess provides company-paid employee life insurance coverage of a specific amount that lasts throughout your employment. Benefits are reduced at age 65 and 70.

Supplemental life and AD&D insurance

If you want additional coverage, you can buy supplemental life and AD&D insurance for yourself and your family.

Be sure to name a beneficiary

Designate a beneficiary (and keep it up to date) in order to receive the benefit paid by a life insurance policy. To add or change a beneficiary, log in to OKTA to access UKG. Select Myself > Contacts. 

Basic Life and AD&D Insurance

MarketAxess provides basic life and AD&D insurance to assist you and your family in the event of a death or dismemberment. These benefits are fully paid by the company and coverage is automatic — you do not need to enroll.

Benefits are equal to

  • Basic life insurance: 2 times your base salary, up to a maximum of $500,000
  • Basic AD&D insurance: 2 times your base salary, up to a maximum of $500,000

Benefits will be reduced by 35% at age 65 and 50% at age 70. 

What is AD&D insurance?

If you lose your life, sight, hearing, speech, or use of your limb(s) in an accident, AD&D insurance provides additional benefits to help keep your family financially secure. AD&D benefits are paid as a percentage of your coverage amount, depending on the type of loss.

How company-paid life insurance is taxed

The IRS requires you to pay taxes on the value of any company-paid life insurance coverage over $50,000. This is called imputed income; you’ll notice it on your pay statements and your W-2.

Supplemental Life and AD&D Insurance

For financial protection beyond MarketAxess’s basic coverage, you can buy supplemental life and AD&D insurance for yourself and your family members. You pay the full cost of this coverage, which is provided through Guardian. You can enroll as a new hire, during Open Enrollment, or if you have a qualifying life event. To see your costs and enroll, log in to OKTA to access UKG.

Evidence of insurability

Supplemental life and AD&D insurance for you and your spouse/partner over the guaranteed issue (GI) amount may require a evidence of insurability (EOI), or proof of good health. You will receive more information after electing coverage if EOI is required.

Supplemental life and AD&D insurance options

Coverage Supplemental life Supplemental AD&D
For yourself* Elect 1x, 2x or 3x your base salary up to a maximum of $800,000.

If you enroll within 30 days of your hire date, you can get coverage up to the GI amount (2x your base salary up to a maximum of $200,000) without providing EOI.
Elect 1x, 2x or 3x your base salary up to a maximum of $800,000.

If you enroll within 30 days of your hire date, you can get coverage up to the GI amount (2x your base salary up to a maximum of $200,000) without providing EOI.
For your spouse/partner Elect an amount not to exceed 50% of your coverage amount.

You can get spouse/partner coverage up to the GI amount ($50,000) without providing EOI. 
Elect an amount not to exceed 50% of your coverage amount.

You can get spouse/partner coverage up to the GI amount ($50,000) without providing EOI. 
For your child(ren) Elect an amount up to $10,000. EOI is not required for children.  Elect an amount up to $10,000. EOI is not required for children. 

* Your supplemental AD&D election must match your supplemental life election.